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Category Archives: CACC News
Creative Recycling
We received a message from a school counselor, with a great link about creative recycling. The message is reproduced below and the link has been added to our Useful Links page.
My name is Amanda Sandler and I’m a school counselor at a district in Kenton County, Kentucky. This year, I became the advisor for our school’s environmental sustainability club. This experience has been extremely rewarding, as conservation has been a long-time area of interest and passion for me. Our club meets once a week while school is in session, where we learn about ways to become more ecologically conscious through hands-on activities. Along with this, I am currently working on a reference guide to include on our club’s website page with the help of our intern, Douglas. Our mission with this guide is to offer valuable information and support information to educate and inspire others to think about living a more green life.
While researching reliable material, our intern Douglas came across your website: It was a great jumping off point for him and pointed the team in the right direction for the kind of information that would be best to include. Douglas requested that I reach out and send our praise!
To return the favor, I also wanted to make a suggestion for your website: This interesting article is about recycling in creative and unique ways. This resource includes different activities, projects, and experiments that find a way to re-purpose materials such as crayons and art supplies. Would you be willing to add this to your page? Douglas has been working so hard in developing this guide, and our team can really see his passion for youth advocacy. He has his quarterly review following the seminar over winter break, where we will evaluate his accomplishments in our department thus far, and I think that this would be a wonderful way to demonstrate his dedicated spirit. Please let me know if you would be interested in linking this page. Thanks again!
Summer Newsletter
Our summer 2022 newsletter is posted here.