Here are some links which may provide useful information. A listing here does not provide an endorsement, simply a suggestion that you investigate and use the information you find if it will assist you in protecting our environment.
Links are organized in no particular order. Please send suggestions to
For any events listed on the sites we link to, please remember that it is not sponsored by CACC, and verify accuracy by phone or e-mail before driving long distances.
Other Michigan Environmental organizations:
Guide to Selling, Donating and Recycling old Clothing
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation
Michigan Environmental Council
Northern Michigan Permaculture
Human Nature School – holistic outdoor education, Grand Traverse area
MICATS (Michigan Coalition Against Tar Sands)
Great Lakes Environmental Alliance
Crosshatch Center for Art and Ecology
What and how to Recycle: Plastics, Bottles, Cardboard and More!
Recycling and donating household items.
Regional and national groups:
Center for Health, Environment and Justice
Environmental Research Foundation
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Pesticide Action Network North America
New!!! Guide to going Green at Home
Center for Effective Government – Chem. Hazards in Your Backyard
Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute – Bloomington, IN
Indigenous Environmental Network
CACC endorses the “Healthy Environment, Vibrant Communities” Campaign for State Action on Environmental Justice. More information can be obtained here
Options for environmental protection and action:
An interesting site with information, programs and local services related to recycling
Here is a great link to find local food options.
A link to help you conserve water.
Renewable Energy Contractors and Developers
CACC does not endorse any contractors or developers.
We only know that they exist.
Harvest Energy Solutions – Jackson, MI
Counterarguments to climate denial
Climate Change Institute climate reanalyzer
Global infrared satellite data
US Climate Action Network – Resource Database
The Watershed Council – Publications Database
Wall of Films – over 500 social change documentaries listed